Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer Wins Vision Case

Written by John Horn. Posted in Cases Won, Claims Won, Law Office News, Social Security Disability

Horn & Kelley

Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyers John E. Horn & H. Elizabeth Kelley


Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer John E. Horn of the law firm of Horn & Kelley, P.C., won social security disability benefits for a client who suffered from a calculated visual impairment value of .95, severe loss of superior visual field, severe photophobia, dry eyes, and sight reduction in the best corrected visual acuity of the better eye.  The claimant was denied social security disability benefits throughout the entire administrative process.

 Social Security Disability

Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer Horn said, “It’s unfortunate that decision makers at lower levels did not understand how serious my client’s impairments are.  The Medical Expert at my client’s hearing thought her impairments were so serious that they met a Social Security Listing.  I’m relieved I was able to win a new hearing for my client.”  Horn is an attorney who represents people on disability claims at every level in Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana, and nationwide.  Horn & Kelley has offices in Chicago, Tinley Park, and La Grange, Illinois, as well as Highland, Indiana.  They have represented clients in Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.  If you want a free evaluation of your social security disability claim by an Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer, call Horn & Kelley at 888-921-5297.

 National Leaders

When you hire an Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer, make sure you hire a fighter, a lawyer who can take your case to the United States District Court or United States Court of Appeals if necessary.  You have a fifty percent better chance of winning with a fighter who can take your case to the United States District Court, the United States Court of Appeals or even the United States Supreme Court.  Visit our website at  We are national leaders in social security disability law.  Follow us on Twitter @HornKelleyLaw

Chicago Social Security Disability Lawyer Wins In US District Court

Written by John Horn. Posted in Cases Won, Claims Won, Law Office News, Social Security Disability

Chicago Social Security Disability Lawyer John E. Horn of the law firm of Horn & Kelley, P.C., won in the United States District Court a new hearing for a client whose claim for social security disability benefits was denied.   The case was Kennedy v. Colvin, 13 C 5180.  The claimant was denied social security disability benefits throughout the entire administrative process.

Social Security Disability

The claimant suffered from pelvic outlet obstruction, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, degenerative disc disease and anxiety.  The district court held that Social Security did not adequately explain the credibility determination and it was not supported by substantial evidence in the record.  The district court also said Social Security erred in giving no weight to the disabling opinion of the treating physician, a gastroenterologist, and great weight to the opinions of the State agency doctors, who had no relevant specialties.

 National Leaders

Chicago Social Security Disability Lawyer Horn said, “It’s unfortunate that decision makers at lower levels did not understand how serious my client’s impairments are.  I’m relieved I was able to win a new hearing for my client.”  Horn is an attorney who represents people on disability claims at every level in Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana, and nationwide.  Horn & Kelley has offices in Chicago, Tinley Park, and Lagrange, Illinois, as well as Highland, Indiana.  They have represented clients in Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.  If you want a free evaluation of your social security disability claim by a Chicago Social Security Disability Lawyer, call Horn & Kelley at 888-921-5297.


Horn & Kelley

Chicago Social Security Disability Lawyer John E. Horn & H. Elizabeth Kelley

When you hire a Chicago Social Security Disability Lawyer, make sure you hire a fighter, a lawyer who can take your case to the United States District Court or United States Court of Appeals if necessary.  You have a fifty percent better chance of winning with a fighter who can take your case to the United States District Court, the United States Court of Appeals or even the United States Supreme Court.  Visit our website at  We are national leaders in social security disability law.  Follow us on Twitter @HornKelleyLaw

Chicago Map

Highland Social Security Disability Lawyer wins in US Court of Appeals

Written by John Horn. Posted in Cases Won, Claims Won, Law Office News, Social Security Disability

Highland Social Security Disability Lawyer John E. Horn of the law firm of Horn & Kelley, P.C., won in the United States Court of Appeals a new hearing for a client who claim for social security disability benefits was denied.   The case was Murphy v. Colvin, 13-3154, Seventh Cir., July 22, 2014.  The claimant was denied social security disability benefits throughout the entire administrative process and also by the United States District Court.  The district court ruled for the Commissioner in 12 C 3879.  Plaintiff appealed.  The Seventh Circuit reversed July 22, 2014.

The Seventh Circuit held that Social Security did not adequately explain her credibility determination and it was not supported by substantial evidence in the record.  Social Security drew adverse inferences from facts without having the claimant explain them (claimant’s cessation of physical therapy and a vacation she took).  Murphy v. Colvin, Slip opinion at 7-9.

The Seventh Circuit held that Social Security’s RFC determination was not supported by substantial evidence.  No medical evidence in the record contradicted the claimant’s testimony that she could not perform light work.  Murphy, Slip Opinion at 10-14.

The Seventh Circuit finally held that Social Security improperly relied on the grids to deny the claim because there were non-exertional impairments and Social Security did not include in its hypotheticals to the Vocational Expert the limitations it found in denying the claim.  Murphy, slip opinion at 14-17.

Indiana Social Security Disability Lawyer

Highland Social Security Disability Lawyer Horn said, “It’s unfortunate that decision makers at lower levels did not understand how serious my client’s impairments are.  I’m relieved I was able to win a new hearing for my client.”  Horn is an attorney who represents people on disability claims at every level in Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana, and nationwide.  Horn & Kelley has offices in Chicago, Tinley Park, and Lagrange, Illinois, as well as Highland, Indiana.  They have represented clients in Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.  If you want a free evaluation of your social security disability claim by a Highland Social Security Disability Lawyer, call Horn & Kelley at 888-921-5297.

Horn & Kelley

Highland Social Security Disability Lawyer John E. Horn & H. Elizabeth Kelley

When you hire a Highland Social Security Disability Lawyer, make sure you hire a fighter, a lawyer who can take your case to the United States District Court or United States Court of Appeals if necessary.  You have a fifty percent better chance of winning with a fighter who can take your case to the United States District Court, the United States Court of Appeals or even the United States Supreme Court.  Visit our website at  Follow us on Twitter @HornKelleyLaw

Tinley Park Social Security Disability Lawyer Wins In U.S. District Court

Written by John Horn. Posted in Cases Won, Claims Won, Law Office News, Social Security Disability

Horn & Kelley

H. Elizabeth Kelley and John E. Horn, Tinley Park Social Security Disability Lawyers

John E. Horn of Horn & Kelley, PC, Attorneys at Law, a Tinley Park social security disability lawyer, on June 23, 2014, won in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois a new hearing for a client who suffered from diabetes, neuropathy, depression, anxiety, shortness of breath, pain, and obesity.   The case was Smith v. Colvin, 12 C 5116, N.D. Ill., June 23, 2014.  Social Security failed to consider two pieces of evidence that did not support its assessment of the claimant’s residual physical functional capacity: the opinion of the consultative mental examiner (a Global Assessment of Functioning of 45) and the results of a pulmonary function test.  Social Security’s failure to address the apparent conflict of its conclusion that claimant was not disabled with claimant’s GAF of 45 (which indicates disability) left the Court unsure Social Security had considered all the evidence.  Social Security also erred in not explaining the weight given the opinion of the consultative mental examiner.  These errors were not harmless.  Social Security unquestionably failed to consider the pulmonary function test, which was submitted after the hearing but before the decision, and still had to be considered.

The claimant was denied social security disability benefits throughout the entire administrative process.  Horn said, “It’s unfortunate that decision makers at lower levels did not understand how serious my client’s impairments are.  I’m relieved I was able to win a new hearing for my client.”  Horn is a Tinley Park social security disability lawyer who represents people on social security disability claims at every level in Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana, and nationwide.  Horn & Kelley has offices in Chicago, Tinley Park, and Lagrange, Illinois, as well as Highland, Indiana.  They have represented clients in Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.  Horn & Kelley represent claimants at all levels, from the initial application to the United States Supreme Court.

For a free evaluation of your social security disability claim by a Tinley Park social security disability lawyer, call Horn & Kelley at 888-921-5297.  If you would like to have Horn speak to your group, call him at 708-614-8833.  His email address is  You can learn more about Horn & Kelley at their website  Follow Horn & Kelley on Twitter @HornKelleyLaw

social security disability lawyer wins under Listing 12.03

Written by John Horn. Posted in Cases Won, Claims Won, Law Office News, Mental Illness, Social Security Disability

Social security disability lawyer John E. Horn of Horn & Kelley, PC, Attorneys at Law recently won benefits back to 2010 for a client who met listing 12.03 Schizoaffective Disorder.  The client’s treating physician was of the opinion that the client was incapable of performing many essential work related activities.  Horn & Kelley are social security disability lawyers with offices in Chicago, Tinley Park, and Lagrange, Illinois, as well as Highland, Indiana.  They have also handled cases in Alabama, Arizona, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.  For two years in a row they have led the nation in cases published in the Forum of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives–that is where the important cases for social security disability lawyers are published.  If you want a free evaluation of your case by a social security disability lawyer, call Horn & Kelley toll free at 888-921-5297.  Horn is a social security disability lawyer with 38 years of experience.  Kelley is a social security disability lawyer with 35 years of experience.  Together they have handled more than five thousand claims and two thousand hearings.  They represent claimants at all levels, from application to the United States Court of Appeals.  Visit their website at  Follow Horn & Kelley on Twitter @HornKelleyLaw

Social Security Disability Lawyer Wins Under Listing 1.02A

Written by John Horn. Posted in Cases Won, Claims Won, Law Office News, Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability Lawyer John E. Horn of Horn & Kelley, PC, Attorneys at Law, won social security disability benefits for their client May 14, 2014, because their client equaled listing 1.02A.  The claimant suffered from Anemia, Arthritis of the Hips, Degenerative Joint Disease of the Lumbar Spine, and Obesity.  The Medical Expert at the claimant’s hearing testified that the combination of claimant’s impairments, especially in the context of her morbid obesity, medically equaled Listing 1.02A because claimant would have an inability to ambulate effectively as defined in Section 1.00(B)(2)(b).  Call Social Security Disability Lawyer John E. Horn or Social Security Disability Lawyer H. Elizabeth Kelley for a free evaluation of your social security disability claim.  888-921-5297.  Visit the website of Social Security Disability Lawyers Horn & Kelley at  Follow them on Twitter @HornKelleyLaw

Social Security Disability Attorney Wins New Hearing for Client

Written by John Horn. Posted in Cases Won, Claims Won, Law Office News, Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability Attorney John E. Horn of Horn & Kelley, PC, Attorneys at Law, won a United States District Court decision ordering a new hearing for a client with carpal tunnel syndrome.  The Social Security Administration failed to consider properly the client’s carpal tunnel syndrome when assessing her overall ability to function.  Horn & Kelley are Social Security Disability Attorneys who have offices in Chicago, Tinley Park, and Lagrange, Illinois, as well as Highland, Indiana.  Horn has 38 years of experience, Kelley 35.  They represent Social Security Disability claimants in Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana, and nationwide.  Call Horn & Kelley for a free evaluation of your claim at 888-921-5297.  Follow us on Twitter @HornKelleyLaw

Social Security Disability Attorney Wins New Hearing

Written by John Horn. Posted in Cases Won, Claims Won, Law Office News, Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability attorney John E. Horn of Horn & Kelley, PC, Attorneys at Law, won a new social security disability hearing for a client with degenerative disc disease, radiculopathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, restless leg syndrome, depression, anxiety, and obesity.   The claimant was denied social security disability benefits administratively after her first hearing.  Horn won a new hearing for her because Social Security did not include all its findings in its questions to an expert who testified at the client’s hearing.  Horn said, “It’s unfortunate that Social Security is wrong more often than it’s right when it denies benefits.  I’m relieved I was able to straighten out Social Security’s mistake and give my client another chance to win benefits.”  Horn is a Social Security Disability ttorney who represents people on disability claims at every level in Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana, and nationwide.  Horn & Kelley have offices in Chicago, Tinley Park, and Lagrange, Illinois, as well as Highland, Indiana.  Horn has 38 years of experience, Kelley 35.  Then are national leaders in Social Security Disability law.  Call Horn & Kelley at 888-921-5297 for a free evaluation of your claim.  Follow us on Twitter @HornkKelleyLaw

Social Security Disability lawyer wins benefits for client with seizures

Written by John Horn. Posted in Cases Won, Claims Won, Law Office News, Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability Lawyer John E. Horn of Horn & Kelley won benefits for the family of a deceased claimant with a seizure disorder. Call Horn & Kelley for a free evaluation of your social security disability claim. 888-921-5297. We have offices in Chicago, Tinley Park, and LaGrange, Illinois, as well as Highland, Indiana.  Check our recent victories in social security disability cases at  Follow us on twitter @HornKelleyLaw

Horn & Kelley Win New Social Security Claim In Federal Court

Written by John Horn. Posted in Cases Won, Claims Won, Social Security Disability

Horn & Kelley Win New Social Security Disability Hearing in Federal Court for Client with Neck and Shoulder Problems, as well as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

John E. Horn of the law firm of Horn & Kelley, P.C., won a remand in Federal District Court for a new Social Security disability hearing in the case of a claimant with a torn rotator cuff in his shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome in his hands, and degenerative disc disease in his neck. The claimant was denied benefits throughout the entire Social Security administrative process. Now he will get a new hearing where the evidence in favor of the claim has to be considered. Horn said, “The Social Security Administration acted as if it did not have to consider the evidence that favored allowance of the claim. It did not evaluate the severity of my client’s carpal tunnel syndrome. It misread the physical therapy records about his shoulder. I am proud to help people get a fair shake from the Social Security Administration.” Horn is an attorney who represents individuals at every stage of their Social Security disability claims. “Social Security is just a big insurance company, and like any other insurance company, it only wants to take in premiums and not pay benefits,” says Horn, who has helped thousands of workers get Social Security disability benefits. “No one should apply for Social Security disability without a lawyer.” For additional information, call John E. Horn at 708-614-8833

If you would like to have Horn speak to your group, call him at 708-614-8833


Main Office:
Horn & Kelley P.C. Attorneys At Law
16710 Oak Park Ave.
Tinley Park, IL 60477

Copyright 2022 Horn & Kelley Attorneys at Law


With locations in Tinley Park, IL; La Grange, IL; Chicago, IL; & Highland, IN, getting started on your Social Security Disability claim has never been easier.

Contact Us today.
